Well? Do you see what I do? A pretty ripped Kristy! I am feeling so wonderful right now! Damn look at those veins!
What brought all this on? Besides a great diet, a wonderful trainer, a determined attitude and a whole lot of hard work?
Friday, the alarm sounds at 4:00 a.m. but I am already awake, I feel really rested, some nights I sleep better and work has gone from stress level 800 to level 5, I am feeling better about everything.
I had my Lean 1 and supplements and checked email....fixed the typos in the latest blog posting then off to the gym, I am there just before they open at 5:00 a.m.
Only 20 minutes on the stairmill, I am listening to Big Nation again, the guy next to me looked alarmed when I threw my head back laughing at the discussion in my headphones.
Stretching, and rolling and that little tennis ball on my delts...it hurts and feels good all at once.
Home to shower, get to work and I am off just as soon as I got there, out the door at 11:30 a.m. to get to BodyComp Personal Training Gym to train shoulders with Roy.
I asked about my post training drink and supplements, I am cutting even more now and that is 200 calories, mostly sugar, it has to go. I will instead just keep on with the glutamine, BCAA's, creatine, and amino acids.
We did more stretching, I even hung from the cable machine for a while.
Then seated behind the head barbell presses.
Lateral dumbbell raises, like none I have ever done, I couldn't use weights as heavy as I have been, what does that tell you? Did you see my delts in this picture? They look good don't they?
Unilateral Cable raises, across the chest.
We are done. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but Roy makes sure that we use proper tempo, as much time under tension as possible to build the muscle, it means slow, deliberate movements, not fast jerky ones using momentum. You must admit, I look a lot more muscular than I did before I started training with him.
I had to stop at Joanne's to get something and I saw this sign as I walked back to my car.
I had been thinking of getting a foot massage anyway, and this was even less than the one by my house. I am a daring person, I love adventure, I decided to go in, I mean, what do I have to lose?
Now, how do you suppose you can have a foot massage and not loiter?
I can use this, I need to relieve stress, I need to relax, it's always good to improve circulation, but I am not a "headache" person, I don't usually get them. And, I have found that a massage immediately after weight training feels so wonderful!

I loved the interior of this place, it seemed lighter, cleaner, more open, same big comfy chairs (are they all red??), and they had a big screen TV with landscapes of waterfalls and oceans showing and relaxing music.
A woman started and for the first ten minutes she worked on my face, head and neck. She then moved to my shoulders and arms. After twenty minutes two men came over and one went to my feet and the other leaned over and said "strong man"...." we brought a strong man for you", and the lady left me.
I am not sure, but I don't think they do that to everyone. Maybe I scared her?
He started on my feet, they had been soaking in a large wooded tub of hot water. He massaged and asked if it was too hard. I told him "no, I like it hard, you can go harder" and he let out a quick gasp of air and went to work, I could hear him breathing with effort every once in a while.
My feet, my legs, I fell asleep. Then the heart shaped paper cut out is placed on the opening in the headrest and I flip over. He starts on my back, digging deeper and deeper, it hurts a little, but I feel the knots being pushed aside.
My lower back, my glutes, my legs, my neck. Everything is massaged, for an hour, for $15.00. That's how much one cocktail costs poolside at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas (not that I ever had to buy my own mind you!)
We are done, he gives me water, I give him a tip and leave to pay. The fellow asks me how it was and I tell him "wonderful, I loved it, what is his name". He said the masseuse was Casey, was he too hard? People complain about him being too hard.
"No, no, no, he was great, I love it hard, I will be back to see him again."
I took a card and wrote his name on it and wandered out to my car, time to go home and eat.
I had a great mixture of cauliflower that was baked with paprika and chile powder; eggplant, leeks, peppers and broccoli. Along side a big vitellone patty, rare, super rare. A big glass of water.
Life is good. Fridays are heaven on earth.
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