There are days when everything flows, and I feel great. Today was one of those days, and of course, it was Friday! I still keep wondering how I will be able to manage to work only half time (at some point) every other day of the week and not just Fridays...
I work hard to sculpt my physique and frankly, I think that it is probably a bit harder for a 50 year old woman than an 18 year old, I mean, they look good as soon as they roll out of bed every morning, complete with tousled hair and sleepy eyes!
I trained with Roy and enjoyed every minute as usual. We ended with boxing, this time Roy hit me in the head, but it was the back and not hard so no big deal. But I was feeling strong and wailing on him, at one point I hit him so hard one of his punch mitts went flying off his hand. Ha! That was exhilarating.
Proper training makes the difference in any physique. People who insist they do not need a trainer just don't know what they are missing. Or maybe they do. Maybe they are afraid of working as hard as a good trainer will push them?
My shoulders look great today. Of course they are pumped and full of blood from training and boxing but regardless, take a person off the streets who does none of this, and let them train for one day, their shoulders won't look like this.
I had to go to Sephora and the grocery store and the pharmacy. In those three stores, four individuals asked me if I competed! Damn my shoulders must have looked particularly good!
As the fourth woman, the pharmacist, asked it I laughed and said "Yes, I compete in Figure and just finished training and boxing, so I probably look better than usual at the moment. And I must look really good today because you are the fourth person to ask me this in the last hour!"
She then started telling me how she was trying to lose some weight and we talked about diet a bit.
It made me think how the other day Stacy said I was looking like a "little fireplug". She said my legs are looking bigger and my shoulders look good as usual. I consider that a great compliment. I am little, only 5'3" and a fireplug is a sturdy, strong piece of equipment, functional. I am not overly fond of "fluff" or unnecessary things nor am I fond of skinny and helpless. So I am looking strong and muscular. My off season diet and training seem to be working. I am gaining, but not too much fat.
I finished my shopping and went home and ate. I had been thinking about food since I finished training, I never seem to stop. I had a bigger meal than usual, and I had starch. I have been limiting my starch to once a day and today I thought I would splurge. I made a burger on sourdough bread. It was a big lean beef patty on only one slice of bread cut in half with mustard and pickles. I was hungry after I finished it too, damn.
I had a spoon full of almond butter and made myself back out of the kitchen.
Tomorrow is legs. Those damn split squats again...but you know what? I hate them and I love them. I love the way they make me feel, I feel alive. And I love they way they make me look.
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