How often do you have those days? Those days when you drive in the car, singing at the top of your lungs? I seem to do that a lot- but then I have a convertible and it makes it oh so much more fun!
I got an email from Roy, he sent it Thursday night but I didn't see it till I checked my email at 4:15 am on Friday. Can we train at 2:00 instead of 12:00?
Heck yes! It means I leave work at 11:30 and hit Santana Row right away - Lululemon just got a new shipment in the night before and they received one of my two favorite bra tops in Paris Pink! It's like the one I am wearing here, but HOT PINK - called the Hot n' Sweaty Bra. The name alone makes me all excited!
Then off to Vintage Wine Merchants for some stocking stuffers for Cooper. I cannot name them on the blog or he will see what they are.
Then grocery shopping- we will have Chateaubriand with shallot sauce tonight- roasted potatoes for the boys, Brussels sprouts for me.
Stacey emails just before 1:00 - "Aren't you training with Roy today???" She is there at his place at 1:00 and normally I would be there first but I am not.
Roy and I train shoulders. He said this is the first week that we have not been able to progress in weights since we started training. We started back in March, so that is quite some time. Keep in mind that he changes the program every three to four weeks, so each week I show progression, but not this. I think it is because we have been doing low reps, high weight.
For instance, I am doing a barbell shoulder press with 105 pounds, that's quite a bit. 5 sets, 5 reps each set.
I suppose Roy needs to have something new next week!
The heavy weights mean long rest periods. We chat about bodies, what people find attractive, what people like. I am still astounded by the women who want to be skinny, painfully skinny, with huge breasts and very thin arms. It just doesn't make sense to me.
Roy asked if I know of Jessica Biel. I told him yes, I think she is stunning.
Roy said polls have shown that most women think she is too manly- too muscular.
As David always says: The masses are asses.
Roy and I finish shoulders and we box- although the air is cool we end up taking it outside in the sunshine, the cool air and sunshine feels good. I can feel myself feeling more confident, I cannot wait until my next session at AKA tomorrow!
After I am home, we visit Mark and Virginia, then come home and eat. I have two great emails waiting for me.
One is from Alicia. She lives across the street from my father in law and reads my blog everyday. She has been working diligently since we met last Christmas on shaping up and trimming down. She told me she has lost 12 pounds! That is amazing! 12 pounds is a huge accomplishment, especially for someone who works taking care of children in her home. This is probably one of the most challenging jobs you can have, and she has done a great job!
Great Job Alicia!!
Then I had an email form Rita Barry of Fitblooger. I will be their featured blogger on January 2, 2012! An auspicious day for all fit people! I am so excited and cannot wait to come up with a great post for this day.
Soon to bed, It's leg day and the gym opens at 6:00 am. then I have kickboxing with Jerome Turcan at 10:00.
And then....lunch with the boys and Lauren at The Cellar Door restaurant in Santa Cruz!
Jessica Biel is gorgeous! Her arms are fantastic, as is her booty. Who is answering this poll?? And what planet are they from?? Of course, my husband would probably be one of those saying she was too muscular. What up with that?
ReplyDeleteCharlotte, Let me find the poll and I will try to post it tomorrow! Personally, I think they must be from Mars.