
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Apple Chips Giveaway

A couple weeks ago I had a contest to pick a song for my Women's Physique routine, and I said I would pick the winner this past weekend.

Well, life has become a bit more complicated and busy these days, it always does this time of year  since I work at a State University, so work goes into overdrive as we get ready to welcome all the students back for another action packed semester. I also feel like I have less and less free time and I am not sure why, but I need to take care of myself and get much needed rest and spend time with my family, especially my son who leaves for college in a couple weeks!

So I wanted to update you that I will have to announce the winner this next weekend, and I will probably draw one of the names randomly, there were so many great songs I just cannot decide yet. I have a lot of the music on my ipod and of course, I have my favorites, but a random drawing just seems more fair to me anyway!

I will also be posting less, for the last couple months I have been writing on my lunch break and during breaks at work a bit and now that I am no longer suffering from the contracted glute muscle, it's back to running stairs and jumping rope at lunch! So, if you don't subscribe now you may want to so you will know when I post next.

When I took a survey previously, many readers wanted more low calorie recipes, so we have a catch 22. If I cook a lot, I write less, if I write a lot, I cook less! My family prefers the former, I am happy as long as I don't miss any training!

I guess I need to take care of me a bit more, and get off the computer! Maybe my glutes won't get so knotted up either!

Look for the post the coming weekend announcing the winner of the Bare Fruit Apple Chips giveaway and I will email the winner directly too!

Here is link to the original post


  1. It will post tomorrow! So thats on Thursday....its hard to sit so I have been avoiding sitting at the computer....and I don;t have a standing work station at home!
