
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Women's Physique Music

Monday morning, labor Day and I have the day off. I went to bed early and woke up early, Roy was taking the day off so I would train on my own in the morning, it was hammies. 

Although my left hamstring is still healing, I can train it but I go light, I have to keep moving it to make sure adhesions don't set in and I retain range of motion. Oh it's not that bad, really. It's just been a very long time and I am feeling much better about it all!

I took my time and felt great. I warmed up and then did my hip thrusts, I am supposed to be doing single leg but it pulls too much on the hip flexors, so I am doing both legs at once.

Then onto the back extension with weight.

I wander over to the standing leg curl and decide to give it a go, I wonder if I will feel any pain or tightness?

15 pounds and I felt silly, but I didn't want to push it. 20....25...30...Nothing! No pain, no tightness, I am on my way to recovery!

I wanted to hop on the Glute Ham Raise so badly, but no, I will wait, wait until I am finished with physical therapy at least..

I feel so good, so absolutely alive, I want to go home, finish the holiday just so I can go to sleep and come back to the gym again. 

I have found my music, the music I have bee practicing my routine to. I have been watching Women's Physique routines and almost all of them are slow. I am wondering if they know something I don't, or they just don't have the same drive and desire I have to dance on stage? My music is actually slower than what I first started out with, but it has a great beat, a wonderful, earthy beat that makes it all come together for me.

Here is my music, on my morning drive to the gym. It's early, 4:45 a.m. and dark out, the music is loud, the top is down, it's a great way to start the day.

(Email subscribers will need to navigate to the blog by clicking on the blue link at the top to view this video.)


  1. Your music is so fitting! I mean, with what I know about you, it's perfect! Holy cow! I'm a spas--but really... I mean, you take annual vacations to Mexico, you're very "worldly", and it's just really upbeat and "spicy". LOL. This actually pumps me up for next year!! :)

    1. And then I heard another song today that REALLY sounds good....ha ha ha So many choices!
