
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bench Press

"When was the last time you benched?" Roy asked on Friday, it seemed innocent enough, boy was I wrong!

My body never ceases to amaze me, I think I have it all dialed in then "wham", I feel like a truck hit me, and that's just with a few changes. 

I am writing this on Sunday evening, and my body is sore, pretty much all over. It was worse yesterday, in fact laying in bed last night, with the heat and my aching body, I found it difficult to sleep.

The pecs really hurt, but so does my entire chest, my delts, my glutes, quads, hamstrings,  traps.

What did I do?? I know because I keep a training journal! Sometimes I cannot remember to record my weights when I am with Roy, but he has it all and I can check back later if needed.

5:00 am Gold's Gym, Campbell
30 minutes on the stairmill
5:30 pm Bodycomp Gym, San Jose
deadlifts 250 pounds 6 sets of 7
Back extension on Glute Ham Raise 12 pounds 1 set of 10; 15 pounds 3 sets of 12

4:50 am Chico Sport Club, Chico
German Volume Training- Barbell shoulder press 70 pounds 10 sets of 10
Leaning lat raise 15 pounds 4 sets of 10 each side

5:00 am Golds Gym, Campbell
30 minutes on the stairmill
5:30 pm Bodycomp Gym, San Jose
Front Squats 110 pounds 1 set of 10; 120 pounds 3 sets of 10
Walking lunges with barbell held in front (front squat style) 65 pounds 3 sets of 10 on each leg

5:00 am Golds Gym, Campbell
Standing leg curl 45 pounds, 3 sets of 9 on each leg
Deadlifts 205 pounds 3 sets of 5
Chin ups bodyweight 2 sets of 7
Back extension on Glute Ham Raise 10 pounds 4 sets of 10

5:00 am Golds Gym, Campbell
30 minutes on the stairmill
12:00 noon Bodycomp Gym, San Jose
Bench Press (didn't record first three sets), 110 pounds 3 sets 9, 7, 6 
Dips (didn't get all the weights) Bodyweight, 5; 25 pounds 4, 15 pounds 4; 10 pounds 5; BW 6

6:00 am Golds Gym, Campbell
Front Squat 120 pounds 3 sets of 10
Walking lunges with barbell held in front (front squat style) 60 pounds 3 sets of 9 on each leg (limited space LOL!)
Barbell front raise 30 pounds 3 sets of 12
Dual cable lat raise 5 pounds each 6 sets of 12

6:30 am Golds Gym, Campbell (no alarm set)
Low row 100 pounds wide grip 3 sets of 12; triangle grip 3 sets of 12
Lat pull down 95 pounds wide grip 3 sets of 10; triangle grip 3 sets of 12
Chin ups bodyweight 4 sets of 6
Barbell bent over row 115 pounds 3 sets of 10
Barbell biceps curl 70 pounds 3 sets of 10
Barbell reverse biceps curl 40 pounds 3 sets of 10
Face pull 27.5 pounds 3 sets of 12
Leg raises on leaning dip bodyweight 3 sets of 20

Some of this is new, like the bench press, walking lunges with all that weight and the shoulder exercises on Saturday; and some is just damn heavy, like the deadlifts; combine it all together and that's why I am sore. As you can see, I am not doing a whole lot of cardio, I haven't been running at lunch, although I may start up soon after it cools down a bit, I will see how I feel!


  1. hi kristy, spicy beef and salad probably sounds more exotic than it is! you just put 1kg of lean beef into a croc pot and add any spices you want - paprika, chilli, cumin - those spices you blogged about sounds perfect - add 1/2 cup water and cook all day til you can shred wth 2 forks - let it sit for a bit and the juices will be absorbed i just put it in a container in the fridge and it lasts nearly a week. i make a salad of spanish onion, red capsicum, rocket, anything you like and mix in the spicy beef and any dressing. pretty simple but yum!

    1. Amanda- It may be simple but it sounds so wonderful, thanks I am going to make this! I am sure I will post about it. One of my most favorite dishes is Thai beef salad, I don;t know why I didn;t think of making something like this before! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Tracey- Oh my goodness, after Mondays session, I can barely walk! We worked on the butt. It will soon have it's own name its gnna be larger than life! Help me name the butt will you? LOL!

  3. All I can say is -- damn! :-)

    I have been training for 5 months now using the 3-4 sets, 10-15 reps method. My goal was to get stronger and build a good foundation which I think I've done. I've got noticeable definition and am much stronger than when I started. Couldn't even do 1 push-up, now I can do 20!!! So, now I'd like to start really building more muscle.

    Per your training journal, I notice that you lift heavy (very heavy, actually) but only go to 12 reps. Consequently, it sounds like now that I have built a good foundation, I should begin progressively increasing my weights and decreasing the reps a bit. Is this right?

    Thanks! Phil

    1. Hi Phil, 20 push ups is fantastic! If you can do 20 you can do even more, you just have to convince yourself!

      You really should change your training every 3 to 6 weeks depending on your own adaptation and training level. I don't go as high as 15 very often, and I don;t necessarily stay in the 10-12 range. It is good to vary it, maybe going 6-8 for a while and 10-12. Sometimes I will even go as low as 3-5 on super heavy lifting but not for very long.

      Basically I will lift super heavy for low reps because I just canot lift it many times when its that heavy! To build muscle you need to overload the system, you ned to increase the weight and cause the body to struggle to "work" to lift the weight, so it "adapts" to the stimulus.

      It needs to learn to survive it must get stronger. And it will, but only if you force it to. Roy increases my weights only 2.5 to 5 pounds at a time depending on the exercise, so a big change is not needed.

      I would suggest trying weights so heavy that you cannot lift them more than 10 reps for a while. Soon you will be able to lift more weight for 10, or lift the same weight for more reps. If you keep the training the same- you will stay the same.

  4. Thanks Kristy! I appreciate your help. I'm going to try lifting heavy (at least for me!) up to 10 reps and/or whatever I can do for a while and see how it goes. I'll also change it up more often. And I'll try to increase those push ups too! Thanks so much for your help!! :-)

    1. Phil keep me posted! Make sure you write it all down so you know if you are making progress.
