
Saturday, May 12, 2012

What you're eating/ What you're not eating!

It’s not just what you eat, but also what you don’t eat!  We all tend to focus on “the seemingly obvious problem” when things aren’t going well, myself included.  For instance, if you aren’t getting bigger from weight training, you assume you are lifting too light, or maybe the frequency isn’t enough, but there could be other issues. Maybe you aren’t eating enough!
I have been bloated and feeling a bit out of sorts for days, I am always like this after a competition. I kept saying it was because I was eating junk that I don’t typically eat- cheesecake and brownies (thank god I took the last to Roy on Wednesday - that’s his problem now!), chocolate, pork chops, steak and French fries, the list continues.

I kept saying “after I get back to my diet I will look and feel better”…well,  last night as I prepared my final meal of the day I realized that not only had I been eating like a “normal person”, but also I had virtually eliminated my good foods!
My last meal was (and usually is) three egg whites, 2 ounces chopped steak and 2 cups of vegetables (mushrooms, onions and kale). I really like this and it usually keeps me from waking up in the middle of the night hungry- unless I have really cut calories throughout the entire day.
I looked back at the days starting with Saturday and it all became clear. I usually eat 6 or more cups of vegetables a day, every day.  I had replaced these vegetables with other foods.  I had hardly eaten any vegetables!

Years ago when I worked with Kim Porterfield, a nutritionist from The Institute of Eating Management and Relapse Prevention Center, she gave me the following advice: “Go ahead and enjoy some cheat foods, some pizza or whatever you want, but eat your proper meal first!”…that way I would get the correct protein and complex carbohydrates and may not be so tempted to over indulge. It used to work and somehow I forgot this rule.
It’s not that I have been constipated, but things just aren’t “right”. I know- you may be thinking “whoa! Too much information!!!” but honestly, one of the best indicators of your overall health is the state of your bowels, and your fiber and complex carb intake will determine that state! Laugh all you want but that’s one of the first things your doctor should be asking about when you have an annual exam “How’s your bowel movements???”
We talk about poop a lot at my house! LOL!
So I am happy to report that I am back on schedule (my food schedule that is) and I will make sure that when I indulge, I am sure to eat my proper diet first, and  the treats or extras afterward!

Don’t always assume that a problem is something you are doing, or what seems to be the obvious, it could be something you are NOT doing!


  1. Did Kim's comment to you mean that if I want to eat a pizza or macaroni au gratin or black rice with all i oli or a hamburger or something like that, I should have a proper meal just beforehand? Wouldn't that give me an even larger amount of calories all at once? Or is the idea that if I eat a proper meal first, I won't eat as much pizza, etc.?

  2. Hi Dude- it is more that you won't eat as much of the garbage if you eat correctly first. So yes, you will eat more calories. Just don't forget the vegetables!!!! ha ha ha

    I have eaten quite a bit this week, buit am lifting like crazy....bigness here I come!!

  3. Hi Kristy, thanks so much for this post. I am always trying to "figure" out my progress. And, sometimes I too forget to look at what I'm not doing as oppossed to what I am doing. We beat ourselves up thinking, I'm doing everything right but I'm not achieving the results that I want, why? For me personally, I'm eating clean (yes, an occasional cheat) and exercise 6 days a week (8 separate work-outs) and yet I can't seem to get the scale to budge. I know the scale is only one measure of our progress, but it's become such a stumbling block to me. I feel frustrated that that it won't behave the way I want it to! : )

    1. Hi Betsy- It is usually what we aren;t least for me. We concentrate so much on doing the other things we forget..Are you trying to make the scale go up or down? Could be the when you are eating the foods too...

  4. Hi Kristy, I want the scale to go down. LoL

    Seriously, I am 5'3" and a quarter (LoL) and currently weigh 156.8 lbs. In the past I stayed around 130 lbs., but a couple of years ago I ventured away from healthy eating and exercise and my weight went up to 185.6 lbs. in December 2010. I was wearing size 12's (barely, they were skin tight and uncomfortable) and in January I decided enough was enough (again). So, I tried to "diet" for the next three months and I lost 6 lbs. Not feeling very successful I joined Weight Watchers with my best friend and my Mom. The next three months I really didn't follow the plan, I wasn't used to counting, measuring, and all that. But, feeling more discouraged I decided to give it a "true" try in June. So, from June 2011 until November 2011, I tracked and lost weight and landed at 155 lbs. But, I'm not happy following WW, it takes into account fat, carbs, protein, & fiber but it does not include sugar at all and that is a problem for me. It's been 7 months and I can't seem to go below this number. I just bounce around from 155 lbs. to 160 lbs. and back. I am wearing size 8's and look smaller and I know I have a lot of muscle but it's hidden behind a layer of fat tissue. I would like to see 145 lbs. Loosing 10 lbs. sounds doable, but I just can't seem to make it happen. I found Tosca's Eat Clean plan last November and started trying to follow those guidlines. I love eating clean, but find being totally clean all the time is hard for me at times. Looking back over my week, I gave in to bbq chips and whole wheat cheezit crackers. I stay away from the sugar/sweets kind of cheats. Okay, I also found Jackie Warner a month ago and thought I'd give her plan a try since it's based on clean eating. So, I did Phase 1 (10 days) of limited calories but eating clean and lost 4.8 lbs. The next Phase, another 10 days I followed the plan and gained 1 lb. I don't know if it was water, fat, or muscle, but it has left me feeling discouraged again. Kristy, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to pour all of this out here, I'm inspired by you and was hoping you might have a suggestion or advice for me. Oh, and more background for me is that I just turned 48 yesterday and I work out 6 days per week. I do 4 BootCamps, 1 Core/Cardio, and 3 Kick-Boxing classes per week, resting on Sundays. You can post your reply here, or if you prefer to email me privately you can at .

    1. Betsy, Try not to be so hard on yourself, this is one of the most difficult things that people struggle with. Food can be so comforting and so harmfull too. Remember that it takes a long time with very slow progress to lose it, and sometimes it may look and feel like you are getting no where.

      Without seeing you diet, I cannot recommend a lot, but I will say this. Try replacing all of your starches after the noon meal with green vegetables instead, fibrous ones and lots so you feel full.

      Always eat your protein first, and be sure you eat protein at every single meal. Eat and don't rely on shakes. Eat immediately after training, this is when you should have a shake and include fruit with it, so it is protein and fast acting carbs.

      Do not eat any chips or junk, If you cannot control yourself then don;t tempt yourself, you will end up hating yourself for it.

      I am going to email you something too.

