
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Beef and Mushroom Casserole

I like to read Clean Eating magazine, and recently purchased their magazine "Classic Comfort Foods". One recipe jumped out at me called "creamy mushroom casserole" because it had beef and mushrooms, my two favorites. It is like a clean beef stroganoff. With no disrespect to Clean Eating, often their recipes are far from what I would call "clean". I think I am much more selective than they are, especially when some of their dishes have well over 40 grams of carbs in them.

I decided to make their casserole, but modified it big time. Theirs has milk and rice in it, and lots of cheese. I left out the rice and milk and drastically reduced the cheese, it's not needed. The porcini soaking water replaced the milk and is important for a rich taste.

2 1/2 pounds flank steak run through the tenderizer once, then cut into 1 inch thick slices
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
4 cups mixed sliced mushrooms (brown, oyster, shitake)
1/2 ounce dried porcini mushrooms, soaked in 1 cup hot water then strained and rinsed, reserve water for dish
3 tbsps whole wheat flour
pepper, salt
2 slices Lacey Swiss cheese (in the deli section, it is 5x5 inch block of low calorie Swiss, or any low cal Swiss will do)
1 tsp Umami Taste #5 paste (optional)

I love mushrooms, especially porcini. First soak the porcini in one cup of hot water until soft, then strain and save the water. Chop the porcini. If you will not be using porcini you can use beef broth instead of the porcini water.

Heat a skillet over medium high heat and quickly saute the beef slices until browned, 3 to 5 minutes, set aside.

Wipe out the skillet, heat it on medium high and add 2 tsps olive oil, onion, all the mushrooms and garlic and saute, stirring occasionally about 10 minutes until onions are translucent. 

Sprinkle the flour over the mushrooms, stir. Slowly add the porcini water (or beef broth) and stir until thickened, about 5 minutes. Add beef back into the mushroom mixture, add pepper and crumble and toss in the 2 slices of cheese, stir to melt and combine.

Taste for seasoning.

I add a squirt of Taste #5, it makes everything taste better! You can get it on Amazon and in any fancy cooking shop.

It is rich and creamy with no milk, and a fraction of the cheese that was called for.

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I had it over broccoli florets. It was great!


  1. Yea!, a dish with mushrooms, meaning I can make it here, as Catalans are mushroom kings! The porcini is what here is called a "cep". And I suppose what you are calling a brown mushroom is simply a "xampinyó". Oyster mushrooms are "gírgoles" and shiitake, well, that's just xiitake! One thing though -- at what point do we add the meat to the mushrooms? After adding the cheese?

  2. Hi Dude- How was the Birthday? Sorry I fixed the recipe, yes you add the beef back in with the cheese and pepper. Use any mushrooms but definitely cepes!

  3. Omg Kristy.. That looks amazing and so yummy! My son would love that. I may have to try to make it for him =) He started loving my beef stir fry I made for his dad a lot. It's nice to see your kids eat good, clean food!
    Did you enjoy your husbands wine on Saturday night =) Mmmmmmm All sounded great!

  4. Aloha Debra! You can serve it over rice for your son, I just avoid a lot of starch right now and I bet he loves it!

    We did certainly enjoy the wine on Saturday, but I didn't enjoy it too much that I couldn't get up to hit the weights first thing in the morning.

  5. Aloha Kristy, Yes, I know my son will love it. He loves his meat, and rice is a big thing here on the islands. Married to my late husband who was Hawaiian, you always had rice on hand, it's a must. I don't eat rice at all, not even brown rice. There is no taste and too much starch for my diet anyway. For me I would just eat the meat by itself without any rice or noodles =) Yum!

    I knew you would be good and only have a glass or two Kristy. I am the same way, as training comes before Thanks for the recipe.. I will try it!

    Debra =)
