
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back and Arm Training

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Thursday- back and arms, here's how the morning went:

Chin ups and Pull ups: 5 wide grip pull ups, 5 neutral grip, 6 chins ups, 5 slow eccentric lowering chin ups.

Barbell bent Over Row 115 pounds 4 sets of 10 reps , 90 second rest in between sets, tempo:

Low Row (cable) 85 pounds 5 sets of 10 reps (first 3 wide handle grip, last 2 triangle handle), 60 second rest in between sets, tempo: 46/49/45/48/47

Lat Pull Down 85 pounds 5 sets of 10 reps (first 3 wide handle grip, last 2 triangle handle), 60 second rest in between sets, tempo: 50/47/46/44/44

E-z Bar Curl 48 pounds 3 sets of 10, 60 second rest in between sets, tempo: 51/47/48

Skull Crushers 38 pounds 3 sets of 10, 60 second rest in between sets, tempo: 33/40/39

Single Arm Dumbbell Row 45 pounds 4 sets of 10, 60 second rest in between sets, tempo: 48/47; 40/39; 34/36


  1. I'm trying to grow my hamstrings so this was actually the perfect post for me to come across today!! Thanks for the info :)

  2. Oh I have several on hamstrings! One of my favorite bodyparts....
