
Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Heart, My Body, My Soul

I am a thinker, I think about everything and probably over analyze it all, I am a very critical thinker- details, steps, process, it all needs to fit.

There are some people at work who absolutely LOVE my way of working, and, unfortunately I tend to drive others CRAZY!!!!

But, I can take an abstract idea and turn it into reality in a split second, complete with detailed steps, process, procedure and expected outcome. I love it when someone throws a concept at me and I can turn ideas into reality. My staff knows what is expected of them, and they also know that I will provide them with every necessary tool or training to get there. No surprises.

I was thinking about my own training and how I ever arrived at my present state. I believe myself to be well rounded, knowledgeable, current, tolerant and practical.

I have ideas, and they become works of art, functional working pieces of life.
I strive to be the best I can be, yet like most others, I also enjoy the fine things in life, the good foods, the wine, the sweets, lazing around in bed late (OK, I am lying, I never sleep in), and sitting in the sun doing nothing.

Yet, no matter what, my alarm will sound at the allotted time so I will be at the gym when they open, everyday. Even when I am not working and don’t have a schedule to adhere to, it drives David nuts!

What makes me tick different than others? Why do I have a drive that stuns so many other people? Why do I feel invincible when others feel defeated? Why do I feel I can continue when others feel they will drop?


I have a VISION of the muscular and lean body I can be, and that I have been.

I have a GOAL to be bigger, leaner, and shapelier than before.

I CELEBRATE when I have pushed myself hard and know I will reap results.

I feel REJUVENATED when I lay in the steam room after a long, hard session, just clearing my mind of all clutter and cares.

I feel ENTITLED when I enter any club or gym and and I have every right to be there, using every piece of equipment that I choose, wearing what I feel comfortable wearing. I have a right to train how I want to train.

I have also trained and learned from many wonderful and talented individuals. I have read numerous text books, training books, journals, medical logs, and research and silly magazines.

I have learned so much of what to do, and what not to do, from all of my trainers. And when I say what NOT to do, I mean only what doesn’t work for me. I feel that all of my trainers have been well qualified, experienced, caring individuals, and were right for me at that time we were training.

I recall something very fun and interesting about each trainer, I have had four in my life, yet I only started training seriously 10 years ago. I would never replace any of them for anyone else, and I value my lessons from each.

I approached each session with a goal. I wanted to learn, I wanted to grow, and I also wanted interaction with someone else. Someone who could help critique me, motivate me, help me to self critique, self motivate and set goals.

I have never relied on anyone to motivate me day to day, yet when training intensely, I could always use a boost from someone else to remind me to stop being so critical of myself, to help me see that I am indeed growing, to help push me that extra bit.

Today? I trained my usual 2 hours on Saturday at 6:00 am and then went home and ate, did some things around the house, then back to the club to meet Stacy for cardio. We were texting the night before, she said she had an hour of cardio to do, I said I NEVER do that much cardio! Her reply? “Yes you do, that’s how we met!”

She was right, after I broke my rib that’s all I was able to do, so I would walk on the stairmill for an hour a day. I met her one day as she was doing the same. I blocked it out of my mind I guess.

Stacy and I met, talked as we sweated away on the stairmills (only 30 minutes though) and then to my house for Greek salads and David’s homemade rose in the backyard. I think we talked for about three hours!

Every time I got up, my legs ached, but nothing too bad, the next day would surely be the worst.

We had a great time, talking about everything under the sun. Having relationships with people who have similar interests can be so invigorating and exciting.

Coming in the next few days: My past and present trainers and what I learned.
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