My neurologist's secretary called the other day, she said "The doctor says your brain in normal" Yahoo! Little do they really know! This was the call I was waiting for, the results of the last CT angiogram scan. It means, although I still continue to have headaches after 21 days, the doctors are sure it is not life threatening, and I can start work and exercise again without fear of keeling over in the middle of it all.
I put the phone down, sent a text message to my husband, then walked back into the bedroom and changed. I then went into the garage, picked up my 12 kilo kettlebell, and went out to the lawn in the back to start my Viking Warrior Conditioning.
I couldn't go too long with the bells, I hadn't done any strenuous exercise in 10 days, only walking was allowed.
I cried for a few minutes, with the realization that I will be OK.
Then I went about setting out all of my things to go to the gym the next morning. I set the alarm for 4:00am, got my clothes and backpack ready and set them on the table in the bathroom. I try to be quiet so I don't wake everyone up so early.
David and I went out and celebrated. We went to the Grill on the Alley at the Fairmont for Happy Hour. They have a great menu from 5:00pm to 8:00pm, and I was craving one of my favorite treats, a burger! We settled into a nice cushy booth, ordered martini's and toasted to our good fortune. Then came the Kobe beef cheeseburgers, with onion rings and it's only $9.95. The exact same thing at lunch runs $21.00. With a big glass of pinot noir, it was just what the doctor ordered!
The next morning, I hopped out of bed, excited to get back. I was greeted by the morning crowd at the gym, all wondering where I had been for so long.
It was back and shoulder day, I was happy about that as my deltoids seem to have lost their size, but I know I can get them right back where they were, it will be fun to do.
I trained for an hour and a half, then threw in 20 minutes on the elliptical.
I was completely blown away that through this all I only gained 5 pounds. And I should have gained weight, as I had just finished a competition, so I was at 4% body fat and lean, way too lean for walking around. This confirms for me that I did indeed adhere to a healthy diet throughout my illness, or I would have gained more.
Life is good again.
Glad to hear all's well!! Your blog is so inspiring! I'm loving it! : )