
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Train Clean, Eat Dirty

I am back! After a 6 year hiatus I have decided to resurrect my blog and share the myriad changes I have been through. For those who did not follow me years ago, I wrote a daily blog on dieting, eating clean, competing, training, and managing to stay lean and on track while working full time and raising a family. 

I found this draft below from 2015 and threw a recent photo from yesterday up with it. It was back in 2015 that I started moving away from "clean eating" which had consumed so much of my life for so many years. Here I am in my new home gym (well a year and a half old). I have a lot to say. It won't be daily any longer but it will be interesting. 

and on to the post....

No, I did not get that backwards. yes, I know you usually see it "Eat Clean, Train Dirty", but I don't believe in that.  What does that mean (to me) anyway?

   Eat Clean, Train Dirty

Eat Clean:

Consume the same old "clean" foods over and over until sick to death of them. Chicken breast, brown rice, asparagus, almonds, broccoli and tilapia. Deprive yourself of every human desire for anything salty, fatty, sweet, gooey, sticky, crunchy or just plain mouth-watering-delicious.


Train Dirty:

Ingest drugs, many not intended for humans, most intended for clinical or therapeutic reasons (as opposed to building muscle, shedding fat). Not interested in health, only in achieving a certain look.

Eat Dirty, Train Clean 

Eat Dirty:

Consume any foods, anything that makes me smile and feel good about life. Mostly things like cheese, garlic, almond butter, fruit, breads, butter, lamb, beef, pork, vegetables, salt, sugar, cereal, white rice, sauces, whole eggs, bagels, chocolates. Live like a normal person.

Train Clean:

Train and maintain my body naturally, without drugs. Strive to be healthy and strong, while looking awesome at the same time.

Choose which one you prefer, I know what I want!

As an update to this post - someone asked me if I used to take drugs, PED's, diuretics, etc. The answer is no, absolutely not. I actually stopped competing due to the widespread use of drugs in the sport. What I did do is "eat clean" for many, many years. My comparison above was mainly due to the fact that you will see so many "clean eaters" but they are also pumping their bodies full of dangerous drugs specifically so they look better. There is no concern about health, only how they look. I will have a future post regarding this soon! In the mean time, work hard, and enjoy the food!


  1. WAIT. WHAAAAT??? ❤️❤️❤️

  2. It means instead of clean eating and drugs, try normal food and no drugs!
