
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hams from Hell

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We are now working on my hamstrings once a week, Monday evenings is the selected day of torture.

I enjoy training hamstrings, but then there are some things that once I start, I decide they are really, really difficult.

SC always told me I was built to deadlift. I guess that's better than being told I am strong like a Russian tractor, he meant it as a compliment I am sure. 

Monday we did deadlifts, Romanian Dedalifts (RDL's). We started with my ending weight from last week- 155 and Roy just kept piling on the weight. He said as long as I could do 10 reps, I could do more weight.

He added more, then the chains. We were up to 195 I think, and I had done four sets. He wanted more. He added more weight, it couldn't have been much, maybe we were up to 200 or 205, and I did 5 reps and on the 5th, just let it drop it on the ground, I couldn't pull it up any longer. 

I was breathing hard, sweating, the kind of training I like, you see, my feet barely moved! ha ha

Then it was on to unilateral work on the extension bench, with a weight. This one is done very slowly, it hits the top of the glutes and my lower back begins to feel it.

We went longer than usual. Roy wanted to hit the calves too. I got home, had a ground beef patty, brown rice, mushrooms and zucchini. I thought I would be sore the following day.

I woke at 4:00 am, ate egg whites and off to the gym for shoulders, nothing was sore, nothing hurt, odd. I made sure I rolled and stretched my legs a little but concentrated on the shoulders more.

I emailed Roy and told him "nothing! no soreness!"

At lunch I changed and grabbed my jump rope, it was off to run the steps and jump. Jogging to the event center was fine, but as I took the first stairs (two at a time), I could feel the slowness in my legs, the muscles were still fatigued.

I managed to run my steps and jump rope, but it was slow going. I slowly jogged back to the office when I was done. By the time I got home from work at 5:30, my calves were killing me, my hamstrings were staring to feel tight, and I knew I was in for a long night of tossing and turning. I would have hamstrings from hell in the morning.

And Wednesday night Roy and I train Quads. Quads means squats. No way to rest the hams when doing squats.

Give me strength, I am going to need it Wednesday night!


  1. Aloha Kristy, I totally can relate to training so hard that you end up tossing and turing all night as the soreness has set in to your muscles. But for some reason I love it! I know I have worked my body hard!
    Keep up the good work! You look fabulous =)


  2. hey kristy your workouts are unbelievable !!! im in awe. what is unilateral work on the extension bench with a weight?

  3. Debra- Crazy isn't it? And today is Thursday and the darn calves are still killing me! I looked at your blog- great work, I love it!

  4. Amanda- Yes, I am basically doing a back extension, but one leg is over the pad and not working, then I am holding a weight to my chest. Slowly going all the way down with a stretch at the bottom, then back up extending the the back up as far as possible to almost pull the body up and away from the bench, like a mini glute ham raise. It targets thetop of the glutes to create roundness.

  5. Aloha Kristy, Mahahlo =) I am new at this blog thing as I started mine in August. My family & friends have wanted me to share my input/secrets for years, I just wasn't ready. I lost my husband to a senseless murder and have been raising our two children alone so it's not easy coming to a place to share.. I am now and it's very therapeutic to share & possibly help others in what you love to do! It's also great to see others like you, with the same passions. Your in put is inspirational =)


  6. Mahahlo Debra...I started mine for some of the same reasons! Everyone would ask advise and this seemed like a great way to share it. I was also driving my (then) trainer nuts with all of my questions and crazy routines.

    I am sorry to hear about your husband, and I hope that you find solace in your writing and your new friends you will make as you go.

  7. Aloha Kristy, Yes, I am finding much solace and peace in my writing and in sharing my love for bodybuilding, fitness world with friends, family and now new friends =) I have secluded myself unsure about putting myself out there, but since I have taken the step it's not so hard. It's nice to see such amazing women out there doing great things. I feel no matter how good we look or how good we are at what we do, we can always learn more from others.. Plus learning new things & tricks to torture our bodies helps keep our muscles from adapting. Learning new, fun ways to make our bodies the best they can be!

    Mahalo for your sweet responses & kind words about my loss. It has been a real pleasure talking to you Kristy. I am sure we will again. I have enjoyed seeing what you and other fitness women do in there fit life's. I think it's a great way to keep us all motivated & inspired by each others day to day accomplishments.

    God Bless my new fit friend =) Debra
