
Friday, July 15, 2011

High Protein Low Starch

Fish, it's what's for dinner! I love fish and I buy it fresh, then cut it into portions, wrap each piece then freeze it. 

I am not too keen on buying packaged frozen things from Trader Joes or Costco  as I am not confident in the freshness or quality. I buy my fish from guys I know, guys I can talk to about it.

I have played around with my "diet" quite a bit- I wasn't on a calorie restricted diet since breaking my rib, when I was prepping for a competition. That was way back on March 28 or so. I only recently started back eating clean and adhering to my regular "diet".

I always watch what I eat though, and I incorporate lots of vegetables.

I have been reading quite a bit on "Paleo" type diets- getting back to what man ate for a couple million years.

Although I eat starch, I have been trying to reduce the starchy carbs and eat more fibrous carbs (vegetables).

I have substituted my rice with beans and lentils quite a bit. I am not going there- I know that they are not considered "Paleo" but I am not sticking to a "Paleo" diet, I am trying to move away from processed foods and more to whole, natural state foods.

My meal above was great!

I always have big bowls of cooked vegetables in the fridge, and after they get to be a few days old, I will freeze them. Sometimes I mix and sometimes I don't. This means I always have vegetables on hand.  No excuses.

So for dinner I took out a bag of mixed, cooked vegetables. It was broccoli rabe, mushrooms, and peppers. I defrosted it in a bowl.

I then had a big head of red cabbage (very good for you) from the CSA delivery so I cut it up into thick slivers and mixed it with the vegetables. Everything was heated together and resulted in soft cooked vegetables with slightly crunchy cabbage.

The fish was rock cod, I seasoned it with smoky paprika and water, then cooked it (covered) in the microwave about 4 minutes.

The flavored water from the fish was poured over the vegetables, then the fish placed on top.

Fresh lemons squeezed all over and it was wonderful!

I enjoy some "bad" food once in a while, but I really like my "good" food better. My body is like a machine, it hums along with the proper fuel, short change me, or treat me like a 2 stroke and I don't perform well. I need premium for this fine piece of machinery. I can feel and see the difference in my body the next day after having just a couple drinks or a meal full of processed empty carbohydrates. 

I have enjoyed the results of my changing diet, and I am not sure how to describe it, other than "not packaged or processed".  It is evolving, just like me. I will write more about my successes, my failures, my oops as I progress.

Who knows, someday I may even more in the "Paleo" direction, I am usually not one to state "absolutes" until I have tried it and proven it myself, or I have seen extremely bad results from others.

Right now? I am happy with it. I am looking full and lean, feeling full and lifting heavy  What more could I want?

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