
Friday, July 1, 2011

Fitness Blog World

Welcomes me!

Oh isn't this exciting!? I have been accepted as a member of an organized group of wonderfully dedicated, talented, passionate women who write about fitness. 

Oh I am not explaining this well. Of course there are many, many organized women who write about fitness. This group is different.

Fitness Blog World is a site where women share their passion for life, and somehow it all includes fitness. Every few weeks we will write on the same topic, to be posted on the same day.

I will indicate in my blog that it is a Fitness Blog World post so you will know to go visit the site for other's views or experiences on the same topic.

This means you will see several different writers, share several different views and ideas on the same topic, on the same day. Of course, the numbers in our group could grow!

Humor is interspersed occasionally throughout, some are very serious and some are not so serious, some write about competing, some about eating, some about losing weight, but in each the heart, soul, passion and dedication clearly shine through.

It's sort of like being in my own Flash Mob Dance at my computer! (email subscribers will need to navigate to the blog to view this video)

Join me in our dance, have fun, get excited, learn from all of us!

I encourage you to take a look at all of their sites, find one or many that move you, get involved and share our world with us. My first post for FBW will be next week, the first week of July.

You can also subscribe to FBW so that each time we have a shared posting, you will be notified.

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  1. Nice place to share our views and thoughts on the Fitness regimes & programs.

  2. HAHAHAHA! Laughing about the old guy with the headband.

    But yes, it's awesome! I can't wait to read it. I started looking at the blog last night. Trying to check it out again this morning. :)

  3. Congrats! Will have to check it out. I am a fitness fan myself and just found you by chance on SITS.
    p.s. that video was too funny!
