
Friday, May 20, 2011

Less is More

It has been days, again. I am sore over many parts of my body, I guess it was the "testing". 

This really is an unusual experience for me, and I have now felt this way for the last two weeks training with Roy.

I rarely feel muscle soreness to this degree. I had forgotten what it was like.

When I used to train with SC, it was always on Friday too, and we focused on the same things, heavy deadlifts, squats, glute ham raise, reverse hypers, steps ups with heavy weight, kettlebells.

We did things that either required a spotter due to the load or things that were so brutal, no sane person would continue on their own. However, I was rarely sore from this. Once in a while when we did something new like an especially killer Tabata or hundreds of swings that made my hands bleed I might be.

Lack of muscle soreness doesn't mean you aren't building muscle, any more than muscle soreness guarantees you are- there is a lot more to it that that, it is a science actually.

To gain you need to lift heavy, heavy weights. The number of reps and sets will depend on if the muscles are slow twitch or fast twitch, and of course where you are in your periodization.

What I had forgotten since training with SC was that less is more, especially when it comes to lifting to gain mass. SC drilled that into my head and now Roy is doing the same thing.

What I mean is that less or fewer exercises is better than more or several when trying to build muscle. 

When writing up my own programs it was easy to throw lots of different exercises in, to make sure I hit every muscle, but I don't need to really do that, a few is fine and actually best.

So I am going back to that, to "less is more", meaning, I will select a few lifts, keep them heavy and rest appropriately in between. Guys came in today and laughed at me. I have the little plastic footstool set up next to the wall right by the power rack, I do my front squats, making way too much noise for some, and sit down on my little stool, listen to music and rest with my back against the wall. I want to make sure my nervous system is as ready as my body before I start again. That's how heavy it is.

I don't need many exercises to fill the hour, my leg workout consisted of only 4, and remember, workouts lasting longer than an hour usually aren't beneficial, your testosterone and growth hormone start to decline and cortisol levels rise.

"Less is More" try it.  

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  1. You look phenomenal and so very happy in this photo, Kristy! I love it! I'm sore. Like super sore. Like still sore from Tuesday and I have to lower myself down to sit sore. LOL. It was a squat day. I did my usual, heavy 5x5 and then did a 3x10 of sumo stance and shoulder-width stance squats with only the bar and ass to grass. I also did 3x5 of OHS with the bar for practice. Nothing I thought would "hurt" me at all but I wanted to see how 10 reps felt. Legs were a bit jelly-like afterward but soon went away--should have been my first indication.

    Yeah, I can't make love to F.R. because I don't have one. And right now, I almost yelled obscenities because Kaela is sitting on my lap. LOL.

    So basically, I was curious as to how sore you are. I haven't been THIS sore since my "ONLY CrossFit" days. It's nuts!

  2. Thank you! I do feel great! That's great you are able to push yurself so that yo can feel it that much, we often give up, we are to easy on ourselves.

    I stopped being sore Thursday (from Friday before!!!) Today is dedlifts though, each week will be my max so he can determine what to set up for me. I think the first two months will be a learning process. Maybe we cn flip the tire truck a little too.

    Get a foam roller- they are not expensive! You need it.
