
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fish Tacos for Breakfast

Posted by PicasaYes I am eating yet again. David and I always enjoy the food fest the three weeks following a competition. 

One of our favorites is Mijita's at the Ferry Plaza Market in San Francisco. We get there before they open, mainly to find a parking place, and it was pretty tough this weekend, seems a few sailors were in town, it was Fleet Week!

The weather was one of those stunning days that make you want to move to San Francisco, it was actually hot. You can see how warm it appears in the picture above and It was only 9:30 am!

Their fish tacos are great and the mushroom quesadilla is another one of my favorites, so I have both! They make the tortillas there as they cook the rest of the food, and they don't use one of those silly "tortilla machines" that Chevy's does.  
David gets to eat too.
And I know many of you may not approve, but we have a big glass of red wine with our taco's for breakfast too. It really does start the day off right for all the shopping and dining we plan to do.

We wandered over to Prather Ranch Meats and there were 6 guys standing behind the counter, they are all young, healthy good looking meat kinda guys.

One of them shouts over at me and says "Hey- Campbell Farmers Market! You like skirt steak!" Bingo! I am known for what I eat far and wide! Or maybe it's the long blond hair and the muscular arms...not quite sure.

He explained he was selling there when Prather Ranch first set up a year or so ago, and they "relocated" him, up to San Francisco. David was explaining why we haven't been there much lately, I am on this diet went on for a while.

Then I told them it was time to get big! They all laughed and liked that. I needed some good meats for that and they were able to help me with everything I needed. I bought some veal shanks to make Osso Bucco, and beef cheeks to make Beef Bourguignon for a big family get together.

If you are a foodie, you must go to the Ferry Plaza on a Saturday morning. This time of year is amazing, the shops indoors give out wonderful samples, and there are hundreds of sellers in the outdoor market and dozens of restaurants who set up grills and are cooking all day long.

You can get eggs, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, meats, herbs, shellfish, charcuterie, honey, milk, breads, pastries, chocolates, coffee, the list is endless.

There are musicians and performers, the people watching cannot be beat. The best place on earth to eat, drink and be merry!
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  1. We weren't able to get up there together on this last visit of mine, but let's do our best to get there next time! Fish tacos, yeah, and I DO approve of red wine at any time of the day.

  2. We will for sure! I know you approve of red wine any time of day! I will be heading up here on May 14!! Yahoo!
