
Thursday, September 16, 2010


Posted by PicasaI experienced a wonderful massage on Wednesday. 

Recently I wrote about how blue I was feeling, it was nothing I had ever experienced before, a helplessness and hopelessness that I couldn't shake.

I attributed it to  "the diet" and "the preparation" that I was going through for this next competition. It is extremely stressful, not only on the body but on the mind.

The emotional roller coaster is incredible. Add to the fact that my job has been an animal all it's own lately, I was feeling like I couldn't handle the simplest things in life.

I am near the end of my preparation, I have 16 days left. That means no more going to the gym two times a day, staying three or more hours on weekends, dieting down to 4% bodyfat, depriving myself of wonderfully healthy (but no-no right now) foods such as fresh fruit.

I will be taking a break for several months, returning to a normal life with my family. They are looking forward to it more than I am.

Several people reached out and offered kind words, advise, just said hi.   Some said nothing, although I am sure they wanted to. It's like a death in the family, sometimes you just don't know what to say....

"R" was very concerned, she wanted me back to my same old self. She knew I wasn't feeling good about life in general.

"R" gave me a 90 minute massage with her massage therapist, Bridget Eding. I just happened to have the day off Wednesday, and it was all arranged for 10:00.

I used to be the massage "queen", if I could pick anything to pamper myself it was a massage. David and I used to go to the Claremont Resort in Berkeley a couple times a year and have massages, stay the night and lay by the pool.
I then started going to Burke Williams in Santana Row and always requested the same massage therapist, when he was leaving Burke Williams we made arrangements for him to come directly to my home, that lasted quite some time.

But, as I always say, we make choices in life and I chose to stop getting massages. The sport of Figure is an expensive one, and with this added expense, something had to go. I still have the Korean Scrub and massage before each competition, but that is almost a mandatory step to ensure the tan stays on evenly.

So, I feel that I have experienced many massages over the last several years, and I know what feels good to my body.

I am now rethinking my choice and am delighted that as an adult, I have the power to change my mind and make a new choice whenever I so desire!

I can actually say that I have never felt so instantly comfortable with a person as I did with Bridget. She was warm, genuine, not rushed, and honestly interested in what I had to say.

I started off immediately telling her that I had an odd request, she smiled and sounded game.  I explained that I brought my camera and I needed her to take a picture of me. She didn't bat an eye, she laughed, said sure and wanted to know how I would pose.

The massage was just what I needed, she said that she finds using more 'trigger point" massage instead of "kneading" works well with dense tissue such as mine, so if you got a lot of muscle, she will get in there! 

And she did, I had knots in my hammies that I didn't know were there (until she found them) and my right side spinal erector was out of balance...we both seemed to feel it at the same time, a good sign that both parties are involved in the massage.

My back and traps were still tight for those 315 pound lifts on Saturday with SC, and they were quite deserving of the treatment they received.

My massage was deep, worked out the tightness, yet oh so very relaxing at the same time.

I will be visiting Bridget again, I am sure of that.  I may just decide that another "necessary step" before any Figure competition is to get a massage! Before and after.

The kindness and concern that "R" showed will never be forgotten, and it just reminds me once again, that out of every negative experience comes a positive one. Had I never gone through this, I never would have discovered Bridget.

And, it also makes me glad to have such wonderful friends in my life.

Look Bridget up, I highly recommend her.  

Bridget Eding  Just B. Massage
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