
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


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I love fish. Even before I started competing I loved fish but never ate it very often, for some reason I was "afraid" of it. I don't mean that fish scared me, but the preparation did. I was always sure I would over cook it, dry it out, burn it, something. It just seemed daunting and I am an accomplished cook.

Now I eat fish up to 5 times a week, and I make it so many different ways, I sometimes forget what I did.

Friday night I came home, and made (for 1), halibut with paprika and chives, roasted butternut squash and par boiled green beans. It was great!

The green beans are par boiled in salted boiling water for one minute, then drained. I like them hot, room temperature, cold, it makes no difference.   The boys were going to have green beans too so I made a big batch.

The butternut squash was already cooked. A few days prior, David had cut it up into large chunks, I then sprinkled salt, pepper, chili powder and a dash cinnamon on it and roasted it in a 400 degree oven until it  was soft and tender. All I needed to do tonight was warm it in the microwave.

Then the halibut.  I heated a small cast iron skillet very hot, then sprayed it with olive oil cooking spray. I coated the halibut with salt, pepper and smokey paprika and seared it quickly on both sides, then reduced the heat and cooked it a few minutes longer on each side until just cooked through.

This formed a nice crust on the outside and moist, tender fish inside.  I poured on a bit of mustard vinaigrette (fat free, homemade), sprinkled fresh chopped chives from the garden all over, and I was set.

 I enjoyed every bit of it.

And David and Cooper? I made them pork chops with shallot-blue cheese, steamed new potatoes with chives and green beans.

Here is their dinner

It was a happy household.

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1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Halibut. It is my favorite fish. Your recipe sounds tasty, I think Ill tray it tonight!

    What an amazing chef you are Kristy!
