
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wilce Family Winery

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This is my husband David and the winemaker for Wilce Family Winery. He has been making wine for over 15 years. I help, but not much, it's pretty much his deal. I will help harvest our grapes, haul and weigh, measure and scoop, and sometimes help bottle. I do of course taste and give feedback too!

David entered 4 wines in the Orange County Fair this year and won 4 silver medals! Results are in (page 15) from the Orange County Wine Society. I am very proud of him.

It is rather funny that our hobbies are so completely different, but it also allows us to engage in something that we both have a passion for. I honestly believe that we all need a "passion" in life, something that gets us excited to wake up and look forward to.

I want to say thank you to David with all of my heart. I could never do what I do without his unwavering support. It's not easy living with someone who competes, the constantly changing diet, buckets of cooked food overtaking both refrigerators, eating schedule that must be adhered to no matter what is going on, bathroom breaks because all the water (makes a simple one hour road trip considerably longer), and having to sit through hours and hours of bodybuilding shows, just to see me for a fleeting few moments.

He lives the competitor's life whether he wants to or not!

My son says that David's hobby is much easier than mine. He said "Dad gets to sit around eating snacks and drinking wine and Mom has to diet and lift weights all the time"

Out of the mouths of babes!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, congratulations, David! ¡Viva Syrah y Petit Verdot!
