
Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Good Eats List

When you have been on a really restricted diet for a long time, you crave lot’s of things, and oddly enough, I seem to crave foods that I normally would never eat.

For instance, the very first thing I will eat when I step off stage, even before I yank those heels off is a bag of Doritos’s. Now, I am not a chip eater, they are bad for you, they make you fat, they are full of garbage, and have absolutely zero nutritional value- zilch.

But that is the very first thing I want to eat. The only other time I eat them is on Christmas, my husband gives me two .99 cent bags…last year one went stale, that’s how often I eat them!

So here is the top list of food I have complied, everything I have been craving, but it tends to change daily. The first list will be the night of the competition, then the rest is the weeks following, until I clean it up to get ready for another competition in July.

Salt and Vinegar chips
Snickers bar
Banana with peanut butter
Rice cake with peanut butter
Peanut butter on a spoon
Champagne (actually it will be Sofia sparkling wine in a can)

In the car driving home:
In and Out Cheeseburger
French fries
more water

At Home:
Pinot Noir, a couple glasses
Chocolate, dark
more water

The next day:
David’s famous Ramos Fizz (my husband’s fantastic gin fizz with a champagne float)
Eggs Benedict
My own homemade pizza
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
My own homemade gnocchi with brown butter and sage and Parmesan
lot's of water

The following days and in no particular order:
English muffin with peanut butter and honey
Toast with butter
Lasagna (my own)
Brownies with chocolate chip cookie dough on top (a friend’s daughter promised to make them after my last two competitions, she never showed up with them, but I will keep my fingers crossed)
Salad Lyonnais at Left Bank restaurant
Glass of champagne with "R" (she has been a great support to me!)
Tuna sandwich on sliced sourdough
Buffalo chicken wings (these might move up on the list soon)
More French fries
Pay day bar
Broccoli Rabe pasta
Milk duds
Skirt steak with aioli
Pork roast from Prather Ranch

Friday May 28 San Francisco Ferry Plaza Market:
With my husband, Mijita restaurant for breakfast at 9:00am fish taco, mushroom quesadilla and red wine
Wander around, champagne at the Ferry Plaza Wine Merchant
Lunch at Zuni Café (reservations are already made)
Sliders and red wine at Cin-Cin in Los Gatos

At this point I will feel fairly satiated, and will have packed on probably 4% bodyfat. I have to put it on to drop it off again, it's not healthy to stay this low, and it doesn't look very good either!


  1. I wish I could be there with you to celebrate your performance and then have one of those fish tacos at mijita! Not to mention one of David's Ramos Fizzes!

  2. Well I wish you were here too, but maybe I can skype while I am drinking that fizz!

  3. Can I be there? I'll pretend to be Derek, I have red hair ;) Anything for David's fizz. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear all about it Sunday.

  4. Heck yaah! I will call you! Thanks, I am feeling good and you have no way to get out of hearing all about it anyway!
