
Saturday, May 1, 2010

What do you want?

I have been posting for a month now, and I get feedback occasionally which I greatly appreciate. This has morphed into something other than what I first intended, and I suspect it may change quite a bit as I continue.

I would appreciate feedback about what readers would like to hear, perhaps it is more recipe related ideas, training (such as actual exercises, sets and reps), what to eat when not dieting for a competition, what to eat (or not) when dieting for a competition, what happens at a figure competition, anything!

A I mentioned in my earlier post, people ask me about training all the time, today it was three different women, and I love it! The fact that they do not feel intimidated is great, and we can all learn from each other.

So, I made business cards so I can just give those out, and that way when people ask, they will have my blog, twitter, email. I did not list my cell phone though, you have seen almost every part of my body, I at least need a private phone number!

Also, I would like to ask that you pass this on to anyone you think may enjoy it, I hope that it offers entertainment and insight into how anyone can become healthier and look better at the same time.

Feedback can be via the comments section, or email, either works but the comments allows others to view and add their comments too.



  1. Me, I have appreciated the dieting information: the recipes with a small explanation of why they are good (nutrient balance, etc.) has been very helpful. Plus, what about one article suggesting a basic weight-lifting routine for amateur beginners? Like the other day you commented to me (in a personal communication) that one should let two, three or even four days go between exercizing one body part! OK, well, what if I wanted to get serious but at my level, and go to the gym only three times per week. What would be a good routine for that? What to do Monday, what to do Wednesday, and what to do Friday? Then that might lead to more questions, such as if one day I am doing triceps, how many different tricep exercizes to do, and how many sets of each, and how many reps of each. Reducing weights as you go along to keep the reps up, or keeping the weight the same and watching how the reps necessarily decrease? Should pecs be done the same day as triceps, since they are interconnected? Or on different days, for precisely that reason?

    Anyway, I am getting into too many details, but how about a suggested routine for us beginners?

  2. Alright, I can do that, thanks. It will all depend on goals as I always say, and I am guessing your goal is to gain lean body mass (muscles) so when you do the "ramblas walk" at 2:00 am in Barcelona, they heads just keep turning...

  3. No, thank YOU! Well, listen, as you know I have lost quite some weight in the last year, year and a half. And a good portion of that happened while following your recommended diet pretty strictly. Now, I have not gained back the weight, but have also not continued to lose (funny, considering that in general my eating habits are much better than they used to be!). So I guess my goal would be to continue to lose that weight until I no longer have a paunch, and then gain at least enough muscles so that when doing the nude ramblas walk people are impressed! I know I probably won't go to the gym more than three times a week (maybe four if I had a good plan!), but the time I spend there can be long.

    I have no problem with other aerobic activities, since I go swimming quite a bit (well, not currently because of the possible rotator cuff injury, which is much better, by the way) and now that the weather is nice I do roller-blading and bicycling.
